Read more: The Self and the Other:<br>A photographic dialogue<br>Roni Horn
The Self and the Other:
A photographic dialogue
Roni HornWhen Tide informed me their upcoming issue would revolve around resilience and dreaming I was researching forms of resilience through lens-based media by women artists.
Read more: The Cry Of Blackbirds<br>The Hiss Of Snakes<br>Laura Marie Cieplik & Lenio Kaklea
The Cry Of Blackbirds
The Hiss Of Snakes
Laura Marie Cieplik & Lenio KakleaTo rest in the shade, pale and thoughtful, by a sun-hot garden wall. Listening among thorns and brushwood to the cry of blackbirds, the hiss of snakes.
Read more: Janneke Van Der Hagen
Janneke Van Der Hagen
Janneke van der Hagen explores modern life and femininity dressed in an antique drape.
Read more: Miss Grey<br>Angèle Châtenet
Miss Grey
Angèle ChâtenetMiss Grey is a visual story inspired by the iconic Grey Gardens documentary, Cindy Sherman’s work, and blonde wigs.
Read more: Swan & Faces<br>Crista Leonard
Swan & Faces
Crista LeonardCrista developed a deep sense of people and places, and a curiosity for the stories behind significant objects and unspoken moments.
Read more: Bettina Pittaluga
Bettina Pittaluga
The way I felt that autumn morning was unlike anything I had experienced before. I knew there was no way back to the slope I'd just descended.
Read more: Last Fire At Watermill<br>Assia Turquier Zimmerman
Last Fire At Watermill
Assia Turquier ZimmermanIn 2018, Némo Flouret and I graduated. Him a dancer-choreographer, me a social anthropologist. I had just completed a thesis on radical imagination and the Occupy Wall Street movement, (“To carry this raging thirst into eternity”).
Read more: Osma Harvilahti
Osma Harvilahti
Osma Harvilahti, Marie-Thérèse Haustein and Camille Lichtenstern explore the body as a landscape.
Read more: Writing, Thoughts and Dreams with<br>Coco Capitán
Writing, Thoughts and Dreams with
Coco CapitánPhotographers use images to translate the world. Coco Capitán also uses words. Born in Spain and now living in London, she tells Tide about the daily writings that inspire her work.
Read more: Entangled Stories: Hearing and Cinema<br>By Zahra Tavassoli Zea
Entangled Stories: Hearing and Cinema
By Zahra Tavassoli ZeaJust like an “all seeing” audience cannot understand blindness simply by closing or covering their eyes, “all hearing” people will not understand the everyday and long-term intricacies of not hearing through the simple plugging of one’s ears.
Read more: Talking collective, routine and hard work with<br>Nicolas Di Felice
Talking collective, routine and hard work with
Nicolas Di FeliceIn the large panel of designers wandering around Paris, I certainly wished to one day meet Nicolas Di Felice.
Read more: Alexandre Guirkinger<br>In conversation with the artist Fabien Giraud
Alexandre Guirkinger
In conversation with the artist Fabien GiraudLocated in the heart of Haut-Limousin, in the center-east of France, there is a hill covered in woods. This is where the physical and imaginary geographies of artist Fabien Giraud and photographer Alexandre Guirkinger intersect.