This series is taken from our second issue, about the Full & Empty.
A stroll through Bangkok’s daily life and objects.
A game of scale where ordinary things suddenly fill in all the space - as if they were pushing the limits of the physical frame of the pages.
Read more: Blue Is My Favourite Colour</span></p>Alessandro F. Capria
Blue Is My Favourite ColourAlessandro F. Capria
It’s been a decade since Alessandro Furchino Capria became a photographer, and 2023 signifies the beginning of a new chapter following his recent move from Milan to London.
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Read more: Metamorphoses</span></p>Zahra Tavassoli Zea
MetamorphosesZahra Tavassoli Zea
In 1947, André Malraux conceptualised his own “imaginary” museum, where artworks acquire a new life through a confrontation game with other art objects from different cultures and eras.
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Read more: Hermès Prize Villa Noailles</span></p>Ilaria Orsini
Hermès Prize Villa NoaillesIlaria Orsini
On the occasion of the Villa Noailles' Centenary, Tide magazine was given carte blanche over the 38th Edition of the International Festival of Hyères, which took place in October 2023.
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Read more: Ordinary Talks</span></p>with Rebekka Deubner
Ordinary Talkswith Rebekka Deubner
For our debut episode, we’re thrilled to welcome French-German photographer and founder of the publishing house Le Rayon Vert, Rebekka Deubner.Read more